Sunday 21st February 2021

We will be live-streaming on Facebook from 10:30 am,

if you would prefer to join us on Zoom click on this link anytime from 10:15am

In this morning’s Bible reading we hear Jesus talk about the kingdom of Heaven. The people listening to Jesus had a different understanding of that phrase to many people today. Their first thought on hearing the word heaven would NOT be of a place I go to when I die. When the people originally heard the phrase ‘Kingdom of heaven’ they understood it as describing the place where they could encounter God reigning today.

In our bible reading Jesus gives 4 illustrations to help us understand that this kingdom he is talking about in not is the future, but is something which is already present. Jesus is describing how to recognise what God is already doing - so that we can catch up and join in. That is the theme of this coming week’s Lent booklet reading, ‘catching up with God’, seeing what God is doing and joining in. Read Matthew 13: 31-35 and 44-45

So, four illustrations about how to recognise what God is already doing and how we can catch up with him and join in. The first 2 parables are about a very small things have a huge impact.

The mustard seed is a very small seed, but grows into a substantial bushy tree perhaps a similar size to a Hawthorne bush. If you have ever had a go at baking bread you know that a seemingly insignificant amount of yeast is all you need to change flour into dough.

So, these first 2 parables tell us that it may not be obvious where God is at work, and if we want to ‘catch up with God’ we need to be looking out for him, alert to how God’s Holy Spirit might be prompting us - to do, or say something – to get involved with something. We should never write-off  something as too small or insignificant to have any effect.

In 1916 a woman called Miss McFarlan who lived in Austin Village invited some children to come to her bungalow on a Sunday to hear bible stories and sing Christian songs. Five years later, 100 years ago in July, a building was opened in Hawkesley Crescent with a sign outside announcing it was – Longbridge Baptist Church. What if Miss McFarlan had decided not to bother with the children playing outside her bungalow? From a small seed – great things grow. From an insignificant act of inviting a few children to hear a bible story – a church was founded and countless number of people have heard about and entered the kingdom of heaven.

Perhaps as you look back at your own story of faith you recognise that long before you came to church, God was working in your life - like invisible yeast changing the nature of flour– so God was working in our lives.

We eventually we ‘caught up’ with what God was already doing in our lives and recognised his right to be our king and reign in our lives. Perhaps looking back at your story of faith you can see how a word or action – as small as a mustard seed – grew in your life, enabling you to know God’s Kingdom – to experience Jesus reigning in your life.

Then there are the second pair of stories. Jesus has moved away from the crowd and is telling these two illustrations just to his disciples, to those who are following Jesus and want him to reign in their lives. Both of these parables relate to the cost of living with God as king – and indirectly address hardships we might face through letting God make the rules by which we live our lives

Jesus says that the kingdom of God is like treasure that lies unnoticed – undiscovered but once we recognise what it is - then it becomes worth letting go of everything else we have - to own it. The main differences between these two parables, is that in the first story the person find the treasure accidentally, while in the final story the person is deliberately searching. He is looking for the perfection which will make his life complete. Both people when they find their treasure, recognise the value of it and let go of everything else to have it in their life.

Jesus’ parables are revealing to the disciples, that no matter what they feel it is costing them to follow Jesus - the value of living a life where God is king is worth far more than the cost. It is worth whatever we need to give up to be able to know God as king of our lives.

In the Lord’s Prayer, we ask God to help us to recognise how we can know more of his reign in our lives and how we can see more clearly his kingdom established in our lives. Spend a few moments considering the words of the Lord’s Prayer.

Church Members

The Trustees will be emailing you a letter about proposed alterations to the church’s constitution which if approved will enable us to hold an AGM. If you have not received the email by Sunday 4pm, please email and you will be sent a copy of the letter.

Listening to the 10:30am service using your landline phone.

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